At the start of 2016 I set a few goals for my 33rd year on the planet. One of which is to finally run a marathon (distance, not necessarily an actual race) and another is to run a race with the Kyle Pease Foundation.
I’m excited to say, I found the perfect opportunity to cross both off my list at the 2016 Marine Corps Marathon!
As stubborn as I am, the truth is, I can’t do it alone. In fact, this legendsomehow agreed to coach me. I’ll also be receiving some nutritional support through friends of the foundation. I can’t prove it (although I’ve searched the Google) but I’m pretty sure I’ll be the first vegan to complete the Marine Corps marathon pushing another athlete. [Insert smarmy vegan joke here]
So, I’ve got the coaching, the food plan on deck and for those of you who know me, you know I’ve got all the gear I need — including my Newton’s and a brand new Garmin 235 that I’m in love with.
The only thing missing is YOU!
I need your support to help me get to Washington D.C.. What do you say? $5, $10 whatever you’ve got, I’d so greatly appreciate any donation you can make!
All money raised goes directly to the Kyle Pease Foundation to help them fulfill their mission of improving the lives of those with disabilities through sport. Get a racers view of what it’s like to race with KPF from Justin Knight aka J-Dude. Justin is an Ironman finisher as well as the 2015 Peachtree Roadrace and Publix Marathon assisted athlete champion.
More updates on my training coming soon. Follow along (and join in) at #OneForRun. Details behind One For Run in another post.